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“The Tyrant Father” is a comedy that aims, humorously, to put naked what it is to be Portuguese – both in 1940 and in 2022. This remake tells the story of a theater company, passionate men and women, and lots of mistakes and misunderstandings. Chico loves Tatão, who is courted by Arthur. Gracinha loves Chico but she’s not aware that he loves Tatão. Santana writes a play for the Grandelinhas that will serve as a script to Chico’s passion and will convince Tatão that he is a rich count. The play is then staged and they all end up in prison. In this Tyrant Father 2022, we will have a new version of the plot full of humor, futuristic pre-visions, images of Lisbon and Portugal of the time and joyful music. Nowadays, it is an essential proposal for the recovery of trust in us and in our country.

Director | João Gomes

Production | Sky Dreams Entertainment

Genre | Romantic comedy

Runtime | 110 min

Release year | 2022

Cast: José Raposo, Miguel Raposo, Jéssica Athayde, Carolina Loureiro, Rita Blanco, Jorge Mourato, Diogo Amaral, Diogo Valsassina, Cleia Almeida, Igor Regalla, João Craveiro, Mafalda Vilhena, Marcantónio Del Carlo, Rui Luís Brás, Rita Loureiro, Susana Blazer, Liliana Santos e Rita Poças