Álvaro Cunhal and Mário Soares indelibly marked the twentieth century in Portugal. The series tells, in parallel, the lives of these two men, creating bridges and intersections that connect the two paths, political, emotional and family. Sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, in the life of one the other will always be present, as an example, as an adversary, as a mirror. An eight-part story of two intersecting lives, which share moments and characters. The story of how Soares and Cunhal became two of the fathers of Portuguese Democracy, for their lives of struggle, militancy, rebellion, but also intelligence and strategy. These are stories of an emotional, historical and political magnitude that require a deep approach and that’s why this isn’t just a dramatic series. It is also a conversation between two characters. Sometimes a debate, sometimes a more harmonious speech, but always a story composed of two halves, two paths, two struggles.
Director | Sérgio Graciano
Producer | Sky Dreams Entertainment
Format | 8 episodes
Gender | Biopic, Historical Drama
Release Year | Coming Soon
Cast: Alexandre Carvalho, Romeu Vala, Tónan Quito, Vítor D’Andrade, Afonso Laginha, André Gomes, André Lopes, António Durães, António Mortágua, Arknel Marques, Beatriz Brazão, Bernardo Souto, Carlos Saltão, Carlos Vieira de Almeida, Chris Murphy, Daniel Arnau, Diana Vaz, Diogo Carvalho, Diogo Mesquita, Dmitry Bogomolov, Eloy Monteiro Figueira Cid, Filipa Nascimento, Francisco Pereira Almeida, Franisco Beatriz, Frederico Barata, Gabriel Pacheco, Gonçalo Botelho, Gonçalo Carvalho, Gonçalo Neto Arroja, Guilherme Moura, Helena Caldeira, Henrique Gomes, Inês Faria, Ivo Arroja, João Bettencourt, João Craveiro, João Miguel Mota, João Nunes Monteiro, João Pedro Vaz, João Reis, João Tempera, João Vicente, João Villas-Boas, Joaquim Horta, José Mateus, José Neves, José Redondo, Lourenço Henriques, Luís Lobão, Luís Rizo, Luísa Bacalhau, Mafalda Peres, Manel Pedro Silva, Margarida Cardeal, Maria Gomes Andrade, Maria João Falcão, Mariana Monteiro, Martilde Cancelliere, Martinha Pessoa, Maya Booth, Miguel Amorim, Miguel Mateus, Miguel Ribeiro, Mónica Mota, Nuno Nolasco, Nuno Pinheiro, Nuno Teixeira, Paulo Pinto, Pedro Rovisco, Peter Michael, Rafael Ferreira, Rafael Fonseca, Rebeca Duarte, Ricardo Lagartinho Lopes, Rita Silvestre, Rita Tristão, Rui Coelho, Rui Neto, Samuel Alves, Santiago André, Sara Rosa, Sérgio Coragem, Teresa Coelho, Tiago Castro, Tiago Correia, Tiago Fernandes, Tiago Teotónio Pereira, Tobias Monteiro, Ulisses Martins